
Sports supplement bottles

Do Your Cycling Supplements Contain What You Think?

I’m pretty sceptical when it comes to cycling supplements, and for good reason.  In most cases, there just isn’t good quality scientific research to support their use. However, this doesn’t seem to put off supplement companies selling large amounts of these products.  There are a few exceptions that are supported by high quality studies, provided […]

Do Your Cycling Supplements Contain What You Think? Read More »

A woman cycle racer taking a corner on a mountain descent

Five reasons why cycle coaching shouldn’t make you nervous

I recently received a couple of enquiries from people nervous about cycle coaching. I think this is a pity as cycle coaching should be for all.  There really shouldn’t be barriers preventing people from improving their cycling and gaining more enjoyment. I’ll describe in this post five reasons why I think cycle coaching should be

Five reasons why cycle coaching shouldn’t make you nervous Read More »